Cremation FAQs



Being a 6th generation Funeral Director, Cody Jones has grown up with funerals his whole life, with a wealth of knowledge passed down from one generation to the next.

Here are the 10 questions he is asked the most.

Cremation is the process of reducing the human body to bone particles and ash through the application of direct flame and heat.

For those desiring cremation, you actually have more options and flexibility when it comes to service offerings.  Everything is available from a traditional ceremony followed by cremation and then burial to a memorial service after the cremation has occurred.

No. Texas Law does require that the body be embalmed or held in refrigeration following 24 hours after death. We do require embalming if you elect to have a public ceremony with open casket.

Texas Law does not require that the body be held in a rigid, leak-proof container for dignified storage, transfer and handling.  Today, we have a variety of cremation containers and caskets that are very economical and manufactured specifically for cremation. If preferred we also have rental caskets for ceremonial purposes.

Definitely, it is becoming common practice, and we encourage you to do so. Our Crematory is local and available for witnessing the initiation of the cremation process for religious, peace of mind, or other reasons.
Prohibited prior to the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church has permitted cremation as a means of disposition since the mid-1960’s, though not the preferred method. Our local Diocese now permits the cremated remains to be taken to the church for the memorial mass. Cremated remains should be buried following the mass.
There are basic legal requirements which must be met before a cremation can be performed in Texas.  First, at least 48 hours must elapse between the time of death and the time of cremation. Secondly, a legally authorized individual must give permission for the cremation in writing on our Cremation Consent Form. Third, the doctor or Justice of the Peace must give approval for the cremation by completing their portion of the Death Certificate.
Your options are many. The cremated remains can be buried in a cemetery, placed in a columbarium niche, kept at home, or scattered on private property.  Restever Memorial Park in Bryan offers a cremation garden for burial and cremation niches within their mausoleums.
It depends on the size of the individual and the type of cremation container of casket. Typically the process takes 3-4 hours at normal operating temperature of 1600-1800 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cremated remains resemble coarse beach sand. They are typically light in color. The cremated remains of an average size adult would weigh between 5-8 pounds and usually take up to 200 cubic inches in volume or less. The cremated remains will be placed in the selected urn.

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