Cash Advance Funeral Charges
Whether your family selects a funeral, cremation, or burial you most likely will have what are called Cash Advance Charges, or third party charges. These are not funeral home charges, but as a convenience we will pay these third party companies up front on your behalf. The cash advance charges are added to your contract with the funeral home.
The prices listed are estimates for the local Bryan College Station area and are subject to change at any time. You should also know that some funeral homes will mark up the actual cost and others won’t. See estimated prices below:
Casket Burial: Opening/Closing of the grave, tent and chairs
- B/CS City Cemeteries: $800 ($100 Saturday Fee, $300 Sunday Fee)
- Restever Memorial Park Cemetery : $725 ($250 Sunday Fee)
- Wellborn Cemetery: $1,450 ($100 Saturday Fee, $300 Sunday Fee)
- Mt. Calvary Cemetery: $800 ($100 Saturday Fee, $300 Sunday Fee)
- Services at 4pm or later: $200
Urn Burial: Opening/Closing of the grave, tent and chairs:
- B/CS City Cemeteries: $495($100 Saturday Fee, $300 Sunday Fee)
- Restever Memorial Park Cemetery : $325 (tent and chairs additional $325, $250 Sunday Fee)
- Wellborn Cemetery: $495 ($100 Saturday Fee, $300 Sunday Fee)
- Mt. Calvary Cemetery: $495 ($100 Saturday Fee, $300 Sunday Fee)
- Services at 4pm or later: $200
Newspaper Obituary: $100+
Clergy Honorarium Suggestion: $200
Musician Honorarium Suggestion: $150
Police Escorts: $560
City of College Station Interment Fee: $150